Private, Recreational, Sport Pilot Ground School This is a twelve week course from 6:00-8:45pm Monday evenings. You will learn about Aviation, Aerodynamics, Navigation, Weather, and the Rules and Regulations needed to pass the FAA exam. Maine Coastal flight is also a FAA exam testing center.
Recreational and Private Pilot lessons are available right from the Bar Harbor Airport.
Call 207-664-6000 to talk to one of our professional Flight Instructors about the different Certificates available and for questions and answers about obtaining your Pilot Certificate today.
Cirrus Flight Deck
Flight Training
Introductory Lesson - Starting at $249
Cessna172 $160
Instructor - $55 per hour Instrument and owner aircraft $65
Cirrus CSIP $800 day Pre-pay bonus of 5% with $1000 or more.